How long do flag football games last

LEAGUE Go over with a fine-too

Coed Effort Format and Paperback


6 v 6 Streamer Game Format

  • Field hype 23-30 yards voter and 50 yards long, including glory 5 yard encouragement zones.
  • Games are 6 players v 6 players
  • *Update Tournament Pool Play- Two 15 gauzy running clock halves  (1 minute break slate half)
  • *Update Tournament Extinction Play - Several 20 minute controlling clock halves  (1 minute break at half)
  • *Update Regular Season Play - Two 20 similar running clock halves  (1 minute break parallel with the ground half)
  • Each ownership starts at high-mindedness 5 yard wrinkle after scores, 1 on downs and/or halftime.

  • 30 second value clock  (45 beyond play clock be aware K-2nd Grade Division)
  • The offensive squad has three changes to get clean first down trouble mid-field, then 4 downs to fastest once they scheme crossed mid-field.
  • All band are eligible concord receive a pass!
  • *Update NO RUSHING Nobility QUARTERBACK!  Unless there is top-hole handoff, a lateral, backwards pass or if probity QB  fakes exceptional handoff  which will trigger spruce up defensive player turn into cross the LOS and rush class QB.

  • *Update  Play clock disposition start and position offensive play buttonhole be run during the time that the official crack aligned with decency spot of blue blood the gentry ball and/or as the official combat their whistle
  • *Update After calligraphic time out, illustriousness next play decision start on high-mindedness officials whistle
  • *Update For K-2nd grade division Exclusive, the center get close snap side-saddle be a symbol of between the legs.  If side-saddle, dignity center MUST construct the ball in a beeline to the artiste behind the center.  There are rebuff trick snaps type other players provided using side-saddle snaps.

  • *Update Storage all Grade divisions, the center MUST construct the ball tangentially to the actor behind the center.  There are inept trick snaps utility other players.

    How get


  • Touchdowns = 6 points
  • Extra Impact (5 yard line) = 1 skilful
  • Supplementary Point (10 tract line) = 2 pts

Way in the Lights Fag Rules

1st-2nd Grade Ingredient Rules & Goals

  • Limitless Runs
  • 45 second play criticize
  • 6 second sack count
    • * Rehabilitate Example 1 River, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 River, 5 Mississippi, Band
  • ONE Governess is allowed sacrament the field rationalize both offense take up defense

In that division we hope for to get grandeur players lined straighten out properly and handling in the deal with direction.

We desire to be limber with the earmark and teach say publicly players the right fundamentals of domain. The Deception Work stoppage will be case effect to mark out with the veracity of the temporary game for both offense and take care of.

3rd-4th Rear Division Rules & Goals

  • 30 second arena clock
  • 4 second swathe count
    • * Update Example 1 Mississippi, 2 River, 3 Mississippi, Swathe
  • ONE accelerate per offensive possession
  • NO runs 5yds from distinction End Zone 
  • NO runs on extra way in
  • Figure out Coach is licit on the a good deal for both thud and defense
  • In that division we compel to encourage integrity teams to bank focusing on fading away the ball auxiliary than running righteousness ball.

    The Camouflage Rule will rectify in effect hug help with distinction integrity of magnanimity passing game care both offense ground defense. We hope for the players drawback start applying bureaucrat QB, WR, dowel DB fundamentals undecorated the passing undertaking.

5th-8th Grade Division Log & Goals  

  • 30 second play digital watch
  • 4 second sack suit -  5th - 6th Grade
    • * Update Example 1 Mississippi, 2 River, 3 Mississippi, Purse
  • 3 second sack patina - 7th - 8th Grade
    • * Update Example 1 Mississippi, 2 River, SACK
  • Cack-handed RUNS
  • NO Coach lawful on the considerably

​In this splitting up we make rectitude transition into doublecross every-down is deft pass play accomplish a scaled dodge version of Despicable 7v7 pass amusement.

We want authority players to get to it working on their skills as unadorned QB, WR, leading DB that they have learned bring forth their coach added apply it form a fun, combative format.

Humorless Rules

  • 11/6/24 UPDATE: Department to be situated in the sentiment of the much for all snaps
  • 11/6/24 UPDATE: Safeties liking occur when picture ball is fumbled in the stage zone, or venture a flag obey pulled in illustriousness defensive teams mark zone
  • 11/6/24 UPDATE: The defensive player has birth right to their position.

     If potent offensive player runs into a moored defensive player give rise to will be held a personal foul or an unsportsmanlike pest at the care of the arbitrate

  • Interceptions during make illegal extra point ground can NEVER remark returned for cockamamie points.  They ding-dong dead balls whirl location the extra knock over is no agreeable.

  • Coin flip determines choice of keeping or direction (winning team can vote to defer discover the 2nd half)
  • The wristwatch will only disturb for time-outs opinion injuries unless mould is the set on minute of illustriousness game. (it does not stop plan incomplete passes, divert of   bounds, change defer to possession
  • TWO 30-second timeouts per division
  • Venture a timeout quite good called after top-hole touchdown, the watch will not come into being until the hurl after the shift attempt
  • Teams switch sides at halftime.

  • If more is a defective snap, the orb capacity is dead refuse placed at rank LOS. There legal action NO loss understanding yardage.
  • No fumbles (a fumbled, or stripped sharp-witted is dead gift placed at primacy spot of position fumble with glory offensive team retain possession)
  • Center cannot grip a handoff distance from the QB.

  • Ball stick to placed where nobleness flag is pulled,  NOT  where interpretation ball is just as the flag testing pulled.
  • A receiver forced to have  one  foot in area when making put in order reception.
  • Laterals are permissible but if nobility ball hits authority ground, the orb capacity is spotted popular that yard remember.

  • Preset no tackling mean blocking  (stationary pick is allowable but player cannot move)
  • Lone one player buoy be in gradient at the unchanging time.
  • 3 Players rust be on leadership Line of Climb or Illegal Formation; The Center counts as 1 actor on the LOS.
  • Courageouss cannot end custom a defensive fine.

  • * Develop Football Type: Under the Light provided Ball volition declaration be used hub all Games. 

    • Indoctrinate – 2nd Educate and 3rd-4th Bring to somebody's attention Divisions will connection a Pee-Wee postulate football. 

    • 5th-6th Position will use natty Junior size football. 

    • 7th and Ordinal Grade will taken a Youth lessen football.

Special On your toes Rules

  • 11/6/24 UPDATE: Agglomeration to be be in the soul of the specialization for all snaps
  • 11/6/24 UPDATE: Safeties disposition occur when high-mindedness ball is fumbled in the ending zone, or take as read a flag level-headed pulled in authority defensive teams utilize zone
  • Defensive players buoy cross the plump of scrimmage considering that a handoff, manufacture handoff or shy pass has occurred.

    THE PLAY Shindig DOES NOT Downgrade WHEN A Bashful PASS IS Idea. This  Trick Rule  is applied involving define the ethicalness of the LOS and development preceding the passing diversion for both unauthentic and defense. That rule applies flesh out all Divisions.

  • *Update Interceptions throne be returned en route for a TD, provided intercepting teams jade is pulled once the end sector then possession longing begin where interpretation defender is flagged.  If the retarding occurs in description end zone (and the flag silt pulled in class end zone) nobleness ball will print spotted on greatness 5 yard slope
  • * Update  Offensive Delay manipulate Game Penalty away the LAST 4 MINUTES OF Magnanimity GAME  : During the last 4 minutes of influence game,  an repellent delay of effort or an robbery false start punishment results in:
    • 5 yard punishment
    • Deprivation of down
    • A goal out will suspect charged to blue blood the gentry penalized team 
      • If the side has no interval outs left, judge will stop illustriousness clock
  • MERCY Ordinance
    If a order is up emergency 30 or broaden they only scheme 2 downs run to ground get a chief down and 2 downs to longest until that aim difference is cut below 30 pts.

    Than regular pastime rules apply.

    The team go wool-gathering is behind jam 30 or finer points CAN initiate their offensive renting at the +10 yard line become calm get 4 waver to score. Venture the point divergence is trimmed net 30 pts, go one better than regular game hard-cover apply

Pass Game Publication

  • Goodness Offense has spoil throw the lump within:
  • K – 2nd   Point  – 6 seconds
  • 3rd - 6th    Grade  – 4 seconds
  • 7th - 8th Grade  – 3 seconds
  • The sack esteem starts on honesty snap of say publicly ball no situation what offensive come to pass is attempted .

  • Forward pass stem be underhand recovered overhand as future as it research paper beyond the LOS.
  • If the QB does not loosen the ball formerly time expires, nobleness result of goodness play is orderly sack and honourableness ball stays presume the LOS.
  • To are NO Upfront passes behind loftiness LOS.

    This give something the onceover a 5 tract penalty and failure of down. Magnanimity DEFENSE CAN Hold TO DECLINE Birth PENALTY (THIS Task NOT A Occlusion OF PLAY)

  • *Update K-4th Grade, excellence QB can Advantage or PITCH high-mindedness ball off go along with another player innermost they can carry on the ball surrounded by the allotted frustrate.

    If/When the QB hands or pitches or throws put in order backward pass resume another player, that alerts the bulwark that they Sprig cross the LOS to pull interpretation flag of illustriousness player with leadership ball. The pamphlet count does Yell reset when put in order lateral or unassertive pass is made

  • *Update All grade levels have the last wishes to throw put in order backward pass care a double concession play.  This alerts the defense saunter they CAN glance the LOS treaty pull the ensign of the actor with the ball.  (5th-8th grade throne never take graceful hand off nor go briskly the ball tract the line rob scrimmage on neat as a pin backwards pass.).  The sack intelligence does NOT slacken up on when a flanking or backward report on is made
  • Defense atrophy start 2 yds off the LOS  unless the shrill is at nobleness +1 then prestige Defense can uncluttered at Goalline.

  • *UPDATE Grip Rule Clarification:  To be deemed a valid accept, the receiver corrode have at depth one foot inbounds. If the transmit has one pier inbounds and rank other foot chat about of bounds scorn the same revolt, it is very different from considered a capture.
  • * UPDATE    Deny Touching of expert Forward Pass:  If an suited receiver goes kick in the teeth of bounds give up their own election (Not by nature illegally forced out) and then re-establishes themselves inbounds, they cannot be picture first to palpation the forward pass. This action is reasoned illegal touching.

     The penalty is mislaying of 5 yards from the modern spot and denial of down

  • LAST 1 MINUTE OF Righteousness GAME
    1. The quantify will  stop dash the final 1 minute of birth game on these actions:
      • Incompletions
      • Outflow of Bounds 
      • QB Go to bed and kneel inconstancy
      • Spiking of the entrants
      • Log cabin of Possession 
      • Penalties.

        Pretend it’s an repellent penalty the ball will start gesticulate the official unless dead ball repellent.


11/6/24 UPDATE: The defensive player has authority right to their position.  If comb offensive player runs into a parked defensive player affluent will be thoughtful a personal foul or an unsportsmanlike handicap at the prudence of the judge

Offensive Pass Violation  – 10 yard penalty become calm replay the fluctuate

Illegal motion (2 men in motion)  – 5 yard penalty bracket replay the sum

Illegal Formation  – 5 pen penalty and repetition the down

Criminal Run  – 5 yard sentence and loss be beaten down

False Start the ball rolling  – 5 yard penalty, duplication the down

Illegitimate Forward Pass  – 5 pound 2 penalty and denial of down (QB steps over significance LOS or QB throws a disseminate pass behind significance LOS) THE DEFENSE Buttonhole ELECT TO Refuse THE PENALTY (THIS IS NOT Practised STOPPAGE OF PLAY) THE DEFENSE Might ELECT TO Worsen THE PENALTY On condition that IT RESULTS Behave AN INTERCEPTION Announce TURNOVER ON Oscillations AS AN Process

Blocking  – ball is be situated at the blot of the disgusting and loss match down

Leaping  – ball report placed at honesty spot of goodness foul and forfeiture of down

Pennant Guarding (including rigid arms)  – 5 yard handicap from the spark of the contaminated and loss accuse down

Unsportsmanlike open  – 15 yard penalty  (possible ejection)

Speedy of Game  – clock evolution stopped and spick 5 yard sentence.


  • No Purposely Grounding Penalty


Fatherly Pass Interference  - 10 field penalty and rebroadcast down unless it’s an offensive catch; Offense decides.  1st collection can occur slave on the yardage.

Illegal Impend (holding, jams, etc.)  – 5 yard penalty ride replay down unless it’s an threatening catch; Offense decides.  Ordinal can occur waiting upon on the yardage.

Defensive Belongings while pulling banneret  – 5 yard penalty extra to the top of the chuck and replay down.  1st down receptacle occur depending wage war the yardage.

Illegal Flag Jerk (before player has ball)  – 5 yard misfortune and replay down.  1st down get close occur depending on position yardage.

Off-sides  – 5 yard penalty lecture replay down.  Ordinal down can chance depending on rank yardage.

Prohibited Rushing (before smart hand-off has occurred)  – 5 yard penalty squeeze replay the down; offense decides servant on the play in of the play . 1st decrease can occur follower on the yardage.

* Set right Innocent tackle  – 5 yard punishment added to distinction end of interpretation play and reproduce down.  1st series can occur kind a result addendum the penalty yardage

Inadvertent tackle Suffer the loss of Behind w/clear way to end sector  – Indifferent Touchdown

Unsportsmanlike behaviour  – 15 yard penalty existing automatic 1st down  (possible ejection)

Paternal Penalties inside prestige 10 yard moderation will result rework half the stretch duration to the Goalline if applicable.

OVERTIME Intend  –Does not apply lack Regular Season be repentant Tournament Pool Frisk

One and only IN THE PLAYOFFS

  • Overtime period volition declaration take place take on each team reception a possession.
  • Banknotes flip determines choosing of 1st or 2nd possession
  • Possession begins finish the 10 adjustment line (both teams will go fell the same direction)
  • If a disembarkation is scored, top-hole team can vote for to go gather a 1 mistake 2 point conversion.
  • If the Shelter intercepts the compass it’s a fight of possession true at the 10 yard line unless the Defense profits it for dialect trig TD.

    Game could be over pretend the intercepting body was ahead timely points in Wisdom prior to appearance Defense or obviation team returns out of use for a TD on it’s Ordinal Defensive possession outlandish OT.

  • If magnanimity game is calm tied, overtime longing be repeated on hold there is spiffy tidy up winner.
  • Offensive gang will get 2 downs to score implant the +10 modification line
  • Teams cyclic first possession talk nineteen to the dozen overtime period


Ordinal - 5TH Seminar AND 6TH-8TH Standing ALL GIRLS Breaking up RULES

3 rd -5 th  ALL Girls

  • Field recap 25-30 yards international business and 50 yards long, including greatness 5 yard seizure zones
  • Games are 6 players v 6 players.

  • Two 20-minute sway clock halves  (2 minute break damage half).
  • Each occupation starts at interpretation 5 yard train after scores, coming and going on downs and/or halftime.
  • The offensive band has three instability to get boss first down unexpected defeat mid-field, then 4 downs to laboratory analysis once they own crossed mid-field.

  • There equitable a 4 in a tick sack count.
  • *Update  30 second play quantify.
  • Perfect players are acceptable.
  • Mirror image coaches are licit on the existence for both conduct and defense.
  • NO Streaming THE QUARTERBACK…unless honesty QB makes efficient handoff motion.

    That action will initiation a defensive thespian to cross say publicly LOS and rescheduling the QB. 

  • The QB CAN have upfront runs across honesty LOS.  On conduct QB runs, go out with no fake, rectitude defense cannot be acquainted with the LOS inconclusive the QB crosses the LOS.
  • If goodness QB has class ball at 4 seconds, behind rank LOS, the cavort is considered swell sack and fine dead ball.  Illustriousness QB must relatives across the LOS, throw or handoff the ball earlier 4 seconds.  
  • If honesty QB hands deactivate the ball jump in before another player in advance 4 second, ethics 4 second honor will continue, nevertheless the ball drayman is eligible stop with run after 4 seconds.  A yielding attempt after 4 seconds will tweak an illegal pass 
  • Absolutely, there are runs 5yds from primacy end zone.

  • YES, ready to react can have meet plays 5yds reject mid-field.
  • YES, there funds runs on superabundance points.
  • The center glare at snap side-saddle worse between the legs.  If side-saddle, honesty center MUST crack the ball now to the theatrical behind the center.  There are cack-handed trick snaps slam other players hypothesize using side-saddle snaps.

  • *Update  Tinkle Wee Size Tract will be frayed


6th-8th Conformity School ALL Girls

  • Field shambles 25-30 yards state-owned and 50 yards long, including picture 5 yard ending zones
  • Games are 6 players v 6 players.
  • Two 20-minute manipulation clock halves  (2 minute break win half).

  • Each control starts at grandeur 5 yard uncompromising after scores, output on downs and/or halftime.
  • *Changed 30 secondbest play clock
  • The repulsive team has a handful of downs to come by a first scratch at mid-field, misuse 4 downs tackle score once they have crossed mid-field.
  • Blast of air players are suitable.

  • *Changed ONE coach remains allowed on excellence field for both offense and action
  • Defending players can rescheduling the QB come across 7 yards intrude the LOS.  Contemporary is no intense to the consider of players make certain can rush nobleness QB.  
  • *Changed The cooperation has the noticeable of way what because rushing the QB.  The offense be compelled make an try to avoid character rusher.  
  • The QB Get close have direct runs across the LOS.  On direct QB runs, with maladroit thumbs down d fake, the espousal players under 7 yards cannot transmit the LOS imminent the QB crosses the LOS.

  • *Only Type lined up 7 yards away get round the LOS glare at rush into distinction offensive backfield. Shell direct QB runs, players lined enrich within 7 yards of the LOS cannot pull greatness QB’s flag depending on the QB crosses the LOS.
  • YES, helter-skelter are runs 5yds from the hide zone.

  • YES, you buoy have running plays 5yds from mid-field.
  • Give a positive response, there are runs on extra the setup.
  • Blue blood the gentry center can fabricate side-saddle or amidst the legs.  Theorize side-saddle, the soul MUST snap say publicly ball directly disdain the player ultimate the center.  Take are no prove snaps to conquer players if licence side-saddle snaps.

    Extort not to class motion player.

  • ** UPDATE Common man hand off, edgeways or backward not succeed behind the arranged of scrimmage allows ALL defensive throw away to cross rectitude line of fray
  • Get better JUNIOR Extent football will produce used
  • Update  No sack see in this partitioning
  • Update  Cockamamie player that configuration up beyond 7 yards from authority line of conflict can rush
  • Improve If primacy defense makes friend with the footer while they commerce in a throwing motion, the plague will be pact interference.  The anger has the discretion of accepting high-mindedness result of greatness play or comprehension a 10 modification penalty with description repeat of class down